Qi Gong Classes

Outdoor qi gong class in Stanley Park

The Path Unfolds

Qi Gong is about achieving balance, finding that timeless space within us where our true nature resides. By letting go of the distractions of mind and the endless distraction of emotional disharmony, we find ourselves stepping onto the path of destiny, manifesting our true purpose in life.

An Internal Art

Qi Gong is an internal art, which means that what is seen on the exterior is but a suggestion of the depths experienced within. We focus on the subtle senses, opening up that inner awareness that is so often overlooked in the modern world.

Qi Gong Styles

There are thousands of  Qi Gong styles and lineages.  We can organize them into three general catagories:  Medical Qi Gong, Martial Arts Qi Gong and Spiritual Qi Gong.  Even then, there is quite a bit of cross-over.  My primary focus is on Medical Qi Gong, enhancing the health and well being of the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.  The classes are easily accessible, consisting of a series of gentle movements that coordinate body, breath and intention, and are suitable for all fitness levels.

Finding your way

I will guide you in exploring the geography of the Traditional Chinese energetic universe, including:

  • the three Dantiens: body, heart and mind
  • the rivers of energy flow that we know as the acupuncture meridians
  • the 5 elements, their correspondence to our internal anatomy and emotional life
  • the Wei Qi field, also known as the Luminous Egg and techniques to keep us safe and healthy in the energetic & spiritual planes
  • and so much more…
  • Yin/Yang fish


Monday night Qi Gong

Next 5 class series starts January 6th, 2025

Monday Night Qi Gong 7:30 to 8:30pm

I am offering a series of classes on Monday nights in East Vancouver near 1st & Victoria. It’s a small space, so registration is limited. This will be a beginner class lasting for one hour, focusing on the 5 element workout and Qi Gong foundations.


The dates are: Jan 6th, 13th, 27th, Feb 3rd & Feb 10th. There won’t be a class on January 20th. The classes are sold as a package of 5 classes for a total of $100.00, payable before the beginning of each series. Students who purchase the full series are prioritized, but if there is still open space, I will be accepting drop ins at $25/class.

Doors open at 7:15 and class starts at 7:30 sharp. Contact me by phone or thru the contact page to register. Registration is on-going and pro-rated depending on space availability.

Qi Gong in Stanley Park

The 2024 Stanley Park Qi Gong season has ended.

Classes will now be held on Tuesday mornings from 10:30 to 11:30 am at the Hidden Bamboo Grove, as of July 16th. Sign up for the contact list to receive up to date information

These will be hour long classes focusing on building our “qi muscles” and connecting with the natural world. Physically, it is a gentle practice, accessible to all fitness levels. The emphasis is on opening up our awareness of nature and the energetic world that surrounds us, enhancing our vitality and our ability to focus and to project Qi into our environment.

Practicing Qi Gong surrounded by nature is the best way to experience this fundamentally nature based practice.

If you are interested in joining the class, please let me know by email (jacob63@gmail.com) or text (604-600-3756) .


The cost will be $20 per class, payable in cash or etransfer at the beginning of each class.  

The Hidden Bamboo Grove is just to the north of where Lagoon Drive intersects with Park Lane (near the foot of Nelson St.)  Here is a link to a google map which shows the location as a red pin. If you have any trouble finding the location, please call the above number before the class.


2024 Outdoor Season is finished.

Yin/Yang fish

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